Nuflow Asia

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Sam Foss
We chose to adopt the Nuflow system because of its versatility, with Nuflow’s ability to custom make liners we can reline virtually any pipe that we come across, and with their network of close to 40 licensees and highly experienced staff at Nuflow there is always plenty of advice and support available when you come across those “out of the ordinary” jobs. The Nuflow relining system is a core part of our business, and is the most profitable, it gives us a unique selling point that places us way ahead of the competition and other plumbers in town are even bringing work to us!
John Farrugia
We were doing a fair bit of excavation and digging up and I got to the point where I felt like there just had to be an easier and better way. I started researching alternatives and I saw there was a pretty big market overseas in something called relining that looked just what I wanted to do. There was a small operation in Victoria I was considering signing with, but then out of the blue a guy from Nuflow rang and I really liked everything he told me about what they were trying to achieve so next day I drove down to the Gold Coast to have a look and I was sold. I signed a few weeks later and I’ve been growing with them ever since. The other company’s not even around anymore so it was a really lucky coincidence because Nuflow’s just getting bigger and bigger and the product and the network are getting stronger, so to me it’s ticking a lot of boxes.
Michael Brock
We run a family plumbing business and we solely went into pipe relining because the market demanded it. When we started looking into Nuflow and going through their processes and how they went about things, it was clear their approach was very similar to ours because they were all about the quality, and like us, they operate along the lines of – when somebody else says no, we say yes. With their franchise model they’re going to be able to build their brand to become more recognised as a complete relining service rather than just a manufacturer of relining supplies and we want to be part of the process that builds that brand, and make Nuflow the ‘go to’ if someone thinks relining – kind of like the Eski of relining. And we genuinely believe that’s where Nuflow can be.
Noel Gillot
I’ve been plumbing for about 40 years now so I know my way around the whole drain and pipe repair industry pretty well. I could see relining was growing so I’d been looking for a good product for a while but none of them ticked all the boxes until I found out what Nuflow was doing. As soon as I visited their offices I knew straight away they were exactly what I was after. It was achievable, do-able – and they were a local company so there was always going to be support close at hand. Most self-employed plumbers are stand-alone units and it’s difficult to continue your education because you get isolated from the industry when you’re off doing your own thing. But being a part of this larger organisation is really helpful because of the training and the opportunities we get to talk to each other and give each other advice or suggestions.
Stephen Campbell
I started my first plumbing business at 28 and bought a few franchises along the way. They’ve all got very high turnovers and I’ve been managing them myself on a full-time basis. But the potential I see for Nuflow and pipe relining is massive and maybe I was ready for a new challenge, so I’ve stepped down as MD to focus entirely on Nuflow Northern Rivers. And frankly, I’m incredibly excited about it.

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