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Pioneers of internet lead generation for the franchise industry since 1998!

About Franchise Asia

Our Mission

Franchise Asia’s goal is to provide a reliable, authoritative platform where entrepreneurs can connect with franchisors seeking investors. In support of this objective, our mission is to be the leading online resource for franchise opportunities and the knowledge centre of choice for anyone seeking information on the franchise industry.

Franchise Asia is part of the Franchise Direct network – the world's leading franchise portal.

Our History

Franchise Direct, founded in 1998, pioneered the concept of internet portals to generate quality leads for franchisors, and is now the largest franchisee lead referral service in the world. The Franchise Direct network consists of 14 multilingual sites targeting North America, South America, Europe, Africa and of course Asia.

Our Service

We use our knowledge and extensive website network to provide franchisors with highly effective, targeted exposure to prospective franchisees worldwide. Every effort is made is made to assist franchisors to link up with suitable investors.

In turn, we are proud to present potential franchisees with a range of services to help them find the right franchise for them. These include advice and information about the benefits of franchising as a tried and tested means to start a business or expanding an existing business.

Advertise with Us

Our clients know they can rely on us to reduce recruitment costs by supplying superior leads from prospective investors. To find out why watch the below video.

Have a chat with our Franchise Asia accounts manager, Andrew Collins, who would be happy to answer any questions you may have about advertising your business with us.

Tel.: +61 2 7202 4076


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